Friday, January 21, 2011

Pencils and Pens

Hi all,
So I bet you are thinking,  "Why pencils and why pens?", and my response is "Why not?".  I can only think of a few things that are so simple that they are taken for granted.  Everyone has probably used a pencil or pen at least once in their life (if not at least once a day) or at least somewhere nearby on the same planet as that individual is on.  Even most people in 3rd world countries that have developed some form of written communication have used pens and pencils.  But, none of you reading this live in a 3rd world country without a form of written communication, now are you?    Didn't think so.

So have you ever wondered which came first a pen or a pencil?  My guess is you are thinking probably not and you probably don't care.  If you did, good for you, but I bet you never bothered to look it up.  Wait no more,  I have the answer to this "chicken and egg" question.  The answer is......drum roll please...... the pen!  Course the ball-point pen as we know and love (take for granted) today isn't the pen that the cavemen carried around in the opposite hand as their wooden club.  In fact, I am talking about the bird feather that fell on someones head (oh wait I'm thinking of an apple) or hollow stick that was dipped in some "ink".  This historic event occurred around the time of the Ancient Egyptians around 4000BC.  Logically paper, or rather papyrus, was developed around the same time by the same civilization.  The pencil wasn't created, or rather discovered, till the largest graphite deposit was discovered in Borrowdale, England in the 1500'sAD.  Even then those pencils were just sticks of pure graphite (or what they thought was a form lead back when chemistry was still just getting started).  So why do we still call it lead rather than graphite?  My theory is which would you rather say a one or two/three syllable word?

Enough with the history lesson, which by the way, all the sources for are from the first couple sites if you googled pen, pencil, or paper (not that anyone really cares, but you can read more there).  So, why give a care about the pen or pencil or perhaps paper anyway?  
Here is a few reasons:  
-Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, arguably one of the best well known pieces of literature and author, and all other literature that is a form of self expression and imagination wouldn't define humanity or differentiate us from any other living and breathing animal.
-The Declaration of Independence told the British that the early American settlers were tired of being bossed and pushed around, nor would the British be able to build ships to send the early American settlers in the first place.
-"The West" would never get settled if it wasn't for the first detailed maps Louis and Clark made after being selected by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana purchase.
-All science and engineering that brought you the computer, R2-D2, TV, vehicles, the light bulb, indoor plumbing or any modern conveniences wouldn't exist. 
-You would't be able to read any of this......oh yes, I went there. :P

Well, I think that is enough food for thought for the night.  I hope I accomplished my task of making you go "Hmmm" and I hope I made you smile, smirk, or lol.  Actually,  I only hope that someone reads this.  Cheers!

Welcome, I am a new blogger

Hello All,
    I thought about starting a blog, so I did.  Took me a while though because I wasn't sure what to blog about.  Truly, I doubt anyone will even read this blog either, so if you do, hooray for you, you made my day!  Anyway, I was thinking to blog about my spin on how or why things work or why the way something is. Specifically I want to make readers go "Hmmmm....  I really never though about it like that.", "Hmmmm, I never knew that.", or "Hmmmm.... that explains that".  Hence the whole title "Uncommon Knowledge" on this blog.  Everyone is entitled to their opinions, which I believe and observe.  However I want to write about facts and if there are any opinions, I hope to back my opinions up with facts.  Feel free to post a reply to agree/disagree with me, correct me, thank me, or just to plainly comment.  That way I know you are reading.  Oh yea,  I ain't no English major so ignore my grammar errors and misspellings please. Otherwise, Enjoy!