Friday, January 21, 2011

Welcome, I am a new blogger

Hello All,
    I thought about starting a blog, so I did.  Took me a while though because I wasn't sure what to blog about.  Truly, I doubt anyone will even read this blog either, so if you do, hooray for you, you made my day!  Anyway, I was thinking to blog about my spin on how or why things work or why the way something is. Specifically I want to make readers go "Hmmmm....  I really never though about it like that.", "Hmmmm, I never knew that.", or "Hmmmm.... that explains that".  Hence the whole title "Uncommon Knowledge" on this blog.  Everyone is entitled to their opinions, which I believe and observe.  However I want to write about facts and if there are any opinions, I hope to back my opinions up with facts.  Feel free to post a reply to agree/disagree with me, correct me, thank me, or just to plainly comment.  That way I know you are reading.  Oh yea,  I ain't no English major so ignore my grammar errors and misspellings please. Otherwise, Enjoy!

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