Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Beginning

Hello All,
    I am re-purposing this blog formerly known as "Uncommon Knowledge".  The 3 posts I did write will still be part of this blog for 2 reasons: 1) Nostalgia, 2) Energy Conservation (or laziness if you so prefer).  Anyway, from this point forward, this blog will be "Energy Tinkerer".  My plan with this new direction is to provide a repository for any write ups of my personal experiments and exploration in the world of energy as well as teach the readers about energy.
   Energy is a fundamental "thing" in this universe.  Energy comes in a variety of forms (Mechanical, Electrical, Biological, Thermal, Chemical, etc.). Energy is simply a scalar (just a value without direction; i.e. not a vector) that describes the state of an object.

    So why its this blog about energy?  Well  I honestly didn't want to constrain myself too much as energy is such a broad topic.  I will say I predict I will be biased towards electrical energy of the alternative electricity generation variety, but even that is very broad.

   So, That is it for this post. I predict that this blog will not be a very super active one, but I hope to keep writing in in in smaller chunks on a more frequent basis than before.

   If you find me and my writing interesting, please become a follower of the post so I know people are reading this.


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